Covid-19 Information and Clinics

Find out if you’re eligible - if you are, have a look at where to get your vaccine.

Upcoming Clinics


You do not need an appointment to attend any of our pop-ups - simply walk in during our opening times.

Masks are mandatory at our sites - unless exempt, please remember to wear a mask covering both your nose and mouth.

Upcoming clinics: Westlands Community Hall, Meadow Way, Droitwich, WR9 9BF

There are no clinics currently planned at this location. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for any future updates!

If you’re unable to visit any of the above clinics, we recommend looking at SW Healthcare’s walk-in tracker to see when any Mass Vaccination Centres are open for you to visit. These sites also have exclusive Quiet Hour and Women’s Hour timeslots to allow for those with specific requirements or worries to visit a site comfortably to get their vaccine.